대한민국 부티크 로펌의 선두주자, 세움

대형 로펌에서 근무하던 변호사들이 스타트업을 위한 제대로 된 법률 서비스를 하기 위해 뜻을 모아 최초의 스타트업 전문 로펌으로 출발했습니다.

올바른 가치관, 견고하게 쌓아온 압도적인 실력을 바탕으로 대한민국 스타트업 생태계의 폭발적 성장에 디딤돌을 놓았습니다.

독보적인 경험을 바탕으로 빠르게 성장하는 스타트업의 성장 단계와 규모에 따라 신속하고 효율적인 법률 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.

IT 기업을 완벽히 이해하고
솔루션을 제시하는 탁월한 전문성

세움은 IT와 ‘말이 통하는’ 사람들이 모여 있는 실무형 전문가 집단입니다.

세움의 변호사들은 법을 해석하는데 그치지 않습니다. 풍부한 업무 경험과 노하우를 바탕으로, 회사가 처한 상황에 맞춰 탁월한 해결책을 제시합니다.

기술과 사업을 이해하고, 법을 정확히 알고, 답을 찾아주는 변호사는 흔하지 않습니다. 세움에 있습니다.

대한민국을 더욱 따뜻하게 만드는 세움

세움은 무료 법률자문, 재능 기부, 금전적 지원 등 지속적인 사회공헌활동을 이어가고 있습니다.

세움의 변호사들은 제대로 된 법률 자문을 받지 못하는 분들을 위해, 매년 매출액의 일정액을 기부금으로 활용하는 등 폭 넓은 공익활동에 앞장 서고자 합니다.

 Hoseok Jung is a lawyer with the best expertise and experience in the industry, and he always puts himself in the client's shoes and shows sincerity. 

Chambers Global 2025

 Seungkyu Byun  is very rational when working and very considerate when communicating with clients. Since most lawyers passively provide legal services within the scope of work requested by the client, if the client fails to properly determine the scope of work, the final result often comes out wrong. He helps the client step by step in properly determining the scope of work. He communicates with clients from time to time even while working, and actively responds to clients' feedback. As a result, the results of the legal services provided by him were always satisfactory. 

Asialaw 2024 Rankings

 Jungok Yun , Attention to client's needs and innovative/professional consultation.  

Asialaw 2024 Rankings

 The most positive attribute of the firm is that senior lawyers lead the project while communicating directly with clients. In many cases working with other law firms, inexperienced associates handle most of the work and, as a result, client feedback is not immediately reflected, and sometimes completely wrong legal advice is delivered to the client. On the other hand, Seum Law maintains the high quality of legal services by having experienced senior lawyers pay close attention to the project. 

Asialaw 2023 Rankings

 No other attorney has more experience or insight in South Korea’s tech startup field than Hoseok Jung. 

Chambers and Partners

 SEUM Law had very deep understanding on tech startups and their environment in South Korea. They are very solution-oriented and skillful in many complex legal issues. 

IFLR 1000 32nd edition Client Feedback

 SEUM Law is a boutique law firm that is focused on the technology and telecommunications sphere, and is recognised for advising startups and venture capitalists. It climbs up to the ‘Highly recommended’ tier in the technology and telecommunications table, an acknowledgement of its commitment to this area, particularly for early-stage players. 

Asialaw Profiles

 When SEUM works, they are super detail. SEUM always think of the client's situation and try to resolve problems by providing proactive solutions. 

IFLR1000 31st edition Client Feedback

 SEUM Law has been absolutely amazing to work with. They are very responsive, thorough, and most importantly awesome at what they do. 

Client testimonial (Asialaw Profiles)